Monday, July 31, 2006

Thinking on a change

Are you thinking or planning something new?

We are living a constant change. You can choose between to grow or to decrease.

When I decided to star this Grow and Win business I got a lot of rejection. People told me about all kind of risks and fears.

I decided to dare remembering the famous “Who dares, win

Today I am growing everyday. I am not alone on my beliefs….. "Everybody wants to grow and everybody wants to win. The only way to know you are winning is growing." Andrew Robertson, president of BBDO, one of the major international marketing agencies. Business supplement of El País 30/07/2006.

What about you? Are you growing?

You decide to take or not to take the risk.

Grow and Win

Fernando Manzano

PS; summer is a crazy time. Invite your friends to join this crazy group.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Put intention on your life

How much intention are you putting on your day?

What a great day!

I am reading the awesome biography of Col John Boyd, the fighter pilot who changed the art of war by Robert Coram.

Great book! Great life!

Boyd is compared with Sun Tzu and Clawsevich. He is the father of most of the state-of the art military strategic thinking in USA.

I will talk more about him, but today……

Why to talk about this man today?

Because he is an example of intention on every moment of his life.

As a fighter pilot flying a jet give you no time to distraction. Every single movement of the stick or the rudder could send you to hell.

Life is like flying a jet, even when consequences do not arrive immediately.

By giving intention and consciousness to your acts to are riding your destiny instead of to be rode by your destiny.

Take the reins of your life.

Grow and Win

Fernando Manzano

Where is your focus today?

Chopra, Robbins, Bryan Tracy and some others will tell you time and again.

Focus your conscience.

By focus your conscience you align your whole body and mind with your goal.

You get all your resources to work in the same direction.

It is your decision and it is better today than tomorrow.

Grow and Win

Fernando Manzano

Monday, July 24, 2006

New day, new opportunities

Monday use to be a bad day. Going back to work and the same fucking routines make life to look grey.

We are taken for granted some damn ideas!!

Monday is a great day. New day, new opportunities!

Meet the challenge!

Review your beliefs.

Grow and Win

Fernando Manzano

Friday, July 21, 2006

How long do you want to life for?

Hi my friend,

Take a moment to think about getting older.

Should not be a big deal, but to many people just to think they are growing old is a real pain.

To grow old is a natural process. This does not mean that it has to be painful or inevitable.

Your age has a very important psychological factor. I fact, experts says there is no a single age. They talk about three kinds of age.

Chronological age
Biological age
Psychological age

Why to talk about this subject? Because your mind has a key rol on how you grow old.

Your ideas about what mean to be old will determine how you will grow older.

If you believe that being old means illness and pain, then, your bet becomes a bad scenario.

If you keep with a healthy and active lifestyle and your ideas about to grow old do not involve traditional ideas about aging, then, it is much probable to enjoy your life’s time.

Think young, act young, life longer.

To your Grow and Win success

Fernando Manzano

Thursday, July 20, 2006

A phrase to think about it

“The adaptability could be defined, simply, as to be free of conditioned responses.”
Deepak Chopra

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Traditionally time has been considered as a line. It has been called “The arrow of time” because it will only go in one direction, the future.

This paradigm is questioned today. Quantic physic has given a new paradigm where time and space are eternal so movement could be done in any direction.

Deepak Chopra is one of the most brilliant minds explaining these implications to our lives.

One of the most important consequences is that conscience justifies its mayor rol on managing our body and our health.

Positive thinking has been use for ages. Now we have the probe about why and how positive thinking is working.

Take care of your thoughts. They are the food for your mind.

Review your beliefs. They are the frame to your decisions.

To your Grow and Win success

Fernando Manzano

Friday, July 14, 2006

America's high schools are obsolete. Bill Gates

Just a minute ago I received this phase from FastCompany Magazine.

"America's high schools are obsolete," Bill Gates

Reading the article about the Gates’ foundation projects to help high school to adapt to new times, it is clear for me that a new way of thinking is in need.

Our time is looking to a dinosaurs and new thinkers’ meeting. Dinosaurs, those wanting to keep the tradition will fight to preserve their areas of power.

Reality will defeat them. But the cost will be high.

A new way of thinking is in need. Probably is already around. Probably you and me are using it.

We should take this responsibility and add our efforts to those looking for improvements to adapt to these new times.

To your Grow and Win success

Fernando Manzano

Action requires boldness

If you have read my article Seven keys to learn from the great explorers, you will remember the importance I give to learn from our predecessors.

I love history and I love to learn from history. I especially like to learn from military history. Conflict is into human nature and war is a permanent form of conflict.

Currently I am learning about Col John Boyd’s theories. I’d recommend these studies to anyone interested on get success in present times.


Because John Boyd helps us to deal with uncertainty, and uncertainty is the principal characteristic of our present.

Chaos, unpredictability and uncertainty are a constant nowdays.

The rule "if it ain’t broke don’t fix it" is not valid anymore.

You “need to become skilled in the alternative, to borrow a phrase from Tom Peters, "thriving on chaos." Neither warriors nor businessmen can afford to be afraid of chaos or disorder.” (Excerpt from “Thinking like marines” by Michael Duncan Wyly, 1991)

The consequences of our actions could not be so clear as it were in the past.

Your fear to take action is absolutely normal.

Action requires boldness.

We already are in an “act and inform rather than ask permission” time.

You have no choice to success. You must be brave and bold.

Learn from every mistake and take mistakes as learning tools.

Be brave. Be bold.

Grow and Win

Fernando Manzano

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The outside count

I would like to tell you that external look is not important, but I will lie.

Tom Peters tells we are like packets. Our outside helps to others to get an idea of our inside.

Take a mirror and ask yourself if you are projecting your best.

Do whatever it takes to look awesome. Your personal idea of whatever this means.

Looking good will also help you to feel good.

Just try and tell me your results.

Talk you soon

Fernando Manzano

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

To sleep to be healthy


It is only Wednesday and you are asking for the weekend.

My friends let me ask you something. Do you sleep enough?

The statistics show that most of the people sleep fewer hours than they should.

Our body need sleeping time to refresh our brain’s computer. It is time to reorganize all the information we are taking during the day.

If you feel tired and angry everyday, then stop and ask yourself how many hours are you sleeping on average.

Try this; Sleep 8 or 9 hours per day. Or just try to sleep one hour more than you usually do everyday. Do it for a month.

You will feel a new brain working hard for you. Your skin will look younger. You humour will grow up. And you will feel like five years younger.

Just do it.

To your Grow and Win success

Fernando Manzano

Saturday, July 08, 2006

You are not using a lot of things that you know.

I got two news, one bad new and one good new.

How many things you know that you are not using?

It looks incredible to check how you can crash into the same problem twice or more times, even if you know how to solve the problem.

“I knew that I should did that”

“I could did it, but I did not”

Change is easy that you think.

Mail me with your issue and we will talk about how to go forward.


The good new is that you can change.

You have the resources to change this situation.

I can help you to move forward.

All successful people got a coach or a mentor.

Not because they could not solve their issues, but because with a coach you is easier and quicker to achieve your goals.

Take a moment to write down your issues.

What are your problems?

What are your challenges?

What are your goals?

Mail me and we will talk about how to move forward.

Remember, to get different results you have to try different approaches.

Together will be simple, fun & efficient.

To your Grow and Win success

Fernando Manzano

PS; our community is growing. Help us to grow inviting your friends to visit us.

Monday, July 03, 2006

What is your story?

Open your ears. Listen me carefully. This comes from my heart.

Some times I ask myself why on Earth I have to continue working and struggling.

I could have a better, or at least an easier, life working for a salary.

But that person would not be my best. I have a story.

You have your story too. Yes, you have.


You have a lost of things to tell.

Share your story and comments here.


What are you telling yourself?

Are you a success or a failure?

Where are you focusing your story?

Every day you are building your own path.

You are creating your story of success.

Recognize it and celebrate it.

Review your story right now.

Decide to become a success by focus on your triumphs.

Improve your presentation by working your story.

Repeat it time and again until become something automatic to you.

It is about you personal marketing focus on your mental set and how you present yourself to others and to you.

To your Grow and Win success

Fernando Manzano

Ps; Identify some friend or college who is always telling bad thing about himself or herself. Invite them to change this pattern.