Friday, July 14, 2006

Action requires boldness

If you have read my article Seven keys to learn from the great explorers, you will remember the importance I give to learn from our predecessors.

I love history and I love to learn from history. I especially like to learn from military history. Conflict is into human nature and war is a permanent form of conflict.

Currently I am learning about Col John Boyd’s theories. I’d recommend these studies to anyone interested on get success in present times.


Because John Boyd helps us to deal with uncertainty, and uncertainty is the principal characteristic of our present.

Chaos, unpredictability and uncertainty are a constant nowdays.

The rule "if it ain’t broke don’t fix it" is not valid anymore.

You “need to become skilled in the alternative, to borrow a phrase from Tom Peters, "thriving on chaos." Neither warriors nor businessmen can afford to be afraid of chaos or disorder.” (Excerpt from “Thinking like marines” by Michael Duncan Wyly, 1991)

The consequences of our actions could not be so clear as it were in the past.

Your fear to take action is absolutely normal.

Action requires boldness.

We already are in an “act and inform rather than ask permission” time.

You have no choice to success. You must be brave and bold.

Learn from every mistake and take mistakes as learning tools.

Be brave. Be bold.

Grow and Win

Fernando Manzano


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