Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Know the basic tools for Coaching

Are you interested on coaching?

If you want to become a coach or you want become a coachee will be better if you know forward what are the tool you will have to use during the coaching process.

Coaching process is a transformation process. You know how you go into it, but you do not know how are you going to go out from that process.

I say that you know “how you go into the process” instead of “who you are before the process”. You could be in the group of people still trying to answer the question “who I am?”. I am on my way too.

The basic tools any coaching process will contain are:

Active listening

When listening to others forget about you. Stop your inner conversation. Focus your attention on your partner.

Active listening is not just to hear with your ears. Active listening mean to open all your senses to what the other person is telling you with his voice, look, breathing, movement, etc

Practice and repetition is the secret.


Rapport means to establish a relationship of complete trust and emotional affinity.

Powerful questions

You will be challenge for the question your coach shot to you.

To get better answer you need to make better questions.


Feedback means to get information about your outputs and use it as an input to improve you performance.

The way you get that feedback will determinate how much can you use to improve. That is the reason because a good coaching process must guarantee a proper feedback.


You do not find humour as a basic tool for coaching in all the authors. I consider humour as a basic coaching tool because coaching pretend to facilitate you a new way to look at life.

Humour is a natural and powerful resource to get this new perspective.

Get the funny side of everything you do.

To encourage to take action

After a coaching process you should not be the same. You should be closer to your best. This is only possible if you take action to implement your decisions.

No one can do this for you. There is no easy way.

You will get according to your investment in the coaching process. Remember this.

Do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

To your Grow and Win success.


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