Seven keys to learn from the great explorers

Sometimes when you try to cope with your daily problems you wonder how on Earth someone can face so many problems and still keep going. You could think everyday represent a complete set of challenges. You feel you don’t have the energy and the skills to confront this uncertainty. I help you to learn how great explorers prepared.
Great explorers give us the advantages of learn from their experiences.
They dreamed and envisioned adventures and marvels.
Thus, what really makes a different is they got them? That is the main reason to learn from them. The reading of The Exploration of the Future of Edward Cornish inspired me to write this article.
Only you have the power to go into ACTION, take advantage of this knowledge and make permanent changes to improve your life.
You are not alone never more. I walked the same paths and I am a success. You can take me with you. We’ll walk together. Step to step.
Do I have your attention now?
Let’s me introduce the first key.
Key 1. Prepare for what you will face in the future.
Are you prepared for what you will face in the future?
Most of us are not. Future is something unpredictable to most people.
Great explores prepare for what them will face in the future.
How are you preparing for what you could face in the future?
Do you have a clear vision of what our future could be?
Preparation is a MUST. As much you invest on your preparation you will have more chances to success.
So to defy the odds, prepare yourself to what you will face in the future.
How much time do you dedicate each day to predict your day or your week, or your year?
Key 2. Anticipate future needs.
Great explorers invest time on thinking about what future could they face.
They envision the path, the issues, the problems are likely to find on their ways.
How much time do you dedicate each day to anticipate your day or your week, or your year?
Do you use to prepare your holidays? Do you anticipate what could you need on your trip? If your answer is YES, why in hell you are not doing the same to live a better life?
“Our business with the future is to improve it, not to predict it” E. Cornish
Key 3. Use poor information when necessary.
Are you one of those who need to have all the information available to take action?
How many times have you procrastinate taking a lack of information as excuse?
I will tell you a secret. You never have all the information about anything.
You MUST act with the information available. You are dealing with a certain level of uncertainty. We don’t need to know everything about future. Most of what will happen is not important to us. Thus, there is a small portion, which is important and is accessible.
Not only great explorers do. Intelligence analysts do as well.
They must deal with poor information to decide the best path of action.
Key 4. Expect the unexpected.
The unexpected is not necessarily bad.
Surprise is almost a need. Tony Robbins said Variety is a human need.
You know that the unexpected can be scary. We all have some bad feelings about be waiting and don’t know what is going on.
Great explorers prepare for every thing could happen, even the unexpected.
Future studies call it the Wild Cart.
Are you considering the Wild Carts on your future planning? Do you have a future planning?
Things happen for a reason. Sometimes cost us a fortune to discover the reason. Sometimes is not worth it to invest on discovering the reason.
For whatever reason you have to face the unexpected, be prepare to it.
Key 5. Think long term as well as short term.
This is a very important point, my friend.
Currently we are suffering a short term thought disease. You are witness of millions of people just moving around trying to cope with daily routines. They are hanging around without any thought about tomorrow.
Great explorers know it will be a time, many times a long time, between your dreams and the moment your dreams come true.
Take a moment to remember Columbus. He took many years around Europe trying to get support to his venture. How much time was he thinking ahead? How many NO did he receive before he was listened by the Spain’s Queen?
NASA is one of the most important research organizations worldwide. No doubt about it. And it’s probably the most important explorer’s organization. It took us to the moon and far away.
Once President John F. Kennedy decided to go to the moon, it goes done in eight years, creating and building whole new technologies.
Long-term thinking is a MUST to success, because success is a process, not an event.
Reading this article you are on your way to get the lifestyle you want. Let’s me walk with you. I assure you it will be easier, funnier and simpler than you thought.
Key 6. Dream productively.
Dream is a God given tool to plan your actions. Dreaming you fantasize about future events. It is natural. It comes with your genetic backpack. It’s up to you to use it properly or to waste it.
Great explorers are doers.
They use productive dreaming as a tool to achieve their visions. They use productive dreaming to plan ahead, to think strategically and to keep the motivation fire alive and high.
Tired to daydreaming wasting time. You don’t remember the last time you dreamed. You use to don’t remember your dreams. Then, You are not using your natural capabilities to the best.
Life is to short. Life comes with too many challenges. You cannot afford an inappropriate use of your natural skills.
Key 7. Learn from our predecessors.
A long time ago I heard that an intelligence man is the one who learn from his own mistakes. And a wise man is the one who learn from the others mistakes. Who you want to become in? I have a clear choice.
How long are we, human beings, walking over the Earth for? Those are a lot of mistakes to learn from. I will make my own mistakes. Of course, I will, but I will try to do new mistakes and avoid the old mistakes.
You can be thinking we as human being, sometimes do not look very intelligent. We keep doing the same mistakes for years, even for generations.
I will tell you something. You are right, but not completely right. A characteristic successful people have is they learn very quickly from mistakes, from oneself mistakes and from others mistakes.
Great explorers review all the information available about others previous attempts to achieve the same or similar aims.
I was loss before. I found the way to take control over my life. I made my life simple, fun & efficient. I teach to other to do the same thing. We share experiences. Join us and learn from our experience. Make your way easier, funnier & more efficient too.
To your Grow and Win success.
Fernando Manzano
The seven lessons from the great explorers is
inspired by the book The Exploration of the Future of Edward
Cornish. Used with permission from the WorldFuture Society, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 450, Bethesda, Maryland20814. Telephone: 301/656-8274; Fax: 301/951-0394;
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