Monday, May 22, 2006

A fundamental key for listening

Hello my friend,

As you decide to choose this article you are showing your interest for this subject.

Congratulation!! You are standing out the crowd.

Are you willing to improve your listening skills?

Do you feel you are not listened enough?

I will give you a very simple tip to skyrocket your listening. This key is not a secret. To be honest is common sense. But you know that common sense is the less common of the senses.

First thing to understand this key is to remember what is listening.

To listen is to make an effort to hear something. To listen is to pay attention.

To make an effort means an active attitude. That is because n psychology and coaching we make a distinction between listening and active listening.

Active listening means a complete focus on the person talking.

The most valuable implication is a renounce to oneself attention. Think about this.

Most of the times you are listening what you really are doing is listening to your own thoughts to prepare the reply. Doing this you are losing what your partner is telling you.

Next time, try to be aware of this circumstance. Make a conscious effort to keep your attention just on your partner and avoid your internal conversation.

Tell me about your results

To your Grow and Win success


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