Thursday, April 27, 2006


One day more arriving late at home? Tired, hungry.
You want to do nothing except couch potato.

You grab a quick pre cooked lunch and the remote control.

PI PI PI PI PI. Warning!! Warning!!

What are you really doing?

The bricks of your experiences build you. You are always
experiencing. Each time you choose the comfortable way out you
are conditioning that the lazy way out is the right one.

Do you know what I mean?

In short, that is the reason because remote control or precooked are so dangerous. They are
teaching you to be a couch potato.

Now you have the information. What are going to do?
Are you going to go on with your couch potato life? It is your right.But....if you decide you have enough and you want a new opportunity....

Make your life simple, fun &efficient.
We will talk.

To be comfortable is easy.....but dangerous.

I love you.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Are you hungry enough?

Hi my friend,

How is your day? is it one more?

Are you living a predictable life? Every day looks the same.
Each day the same stuff.

You are really interested on change and improve your life, but you are living a comfortable life. It could be better, but it’s not so bad.

You still keep thinking on you should change and do this and that. But you don’t have time. You don’t have money. You have a family to take care of. You don’t have support.

My friend, are you hungry enough?

You are not going to change anything if you are not hungry enough.

I could tell a lot of thins about this subject, but you know what? I won’t do it today.

Please, take your time to think if you are hungry enough to star today to improve your live.

You will never be alone again.
Contact me.
We will walk together.

PS: I am so excited. Things go very well. I couldn't wait to talk you. I needed to make you this question. even I posted on Grow and win newsletter.

Remember. To get better answers you need better questions.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Seabiscuit's motivation

Good morning, my friend!!!

Welcome to this wonderful world full of gorgeous surprises prepared for you.

I enjoyed one this morning. Let me tell you.

Oh!! I know. You waked up this morning in a hurry because once again you were late.
You were fighting with a greasy breakfast that is still playing rugby on your belly.

After a nothing-enjoyable traffic jam you found you desk with a big pile of files screaming for attention. The last coffee was shit. And you are already wondering how you can bear this one-day more.

Frustration. Dissatisfaction. Unhappiness.

I was on your shoes. I am not doing jokes about your lifestyle. That is not my thing.

I really respect every single life and I don’t judge you.

Others everyday judge me. Well, I think they have not better things to do.

It’s at to them. I don’t care too much.

Well, I have the bad habit of look at ht e TV during breakfast time.

Bad habit I know. I am not perfect….to me, be perfect is God’s matter. I only try to improve everyday. You are listening…every single day. Keep working.

Ok. Let me get some focus.

I turn the TV on and what I get?

Seabiscuit’s story film.

I must be honest I didn’t see the film before. I heard about it.

You probably know the story. A poor horse that what ill-treated when young is given a second chance as racehorse. It is not only a second chance to Seabiscuit. It is a second chance to Red Pollard, to his owner, his trainer and a whole nation in need of heroes.

Seabiscuit is an inspiring legend. It is the kind of story drives you to do your best. It will give you energy, motivation and courage.

It is so plenty of good lesson that I already order the book.

Let me point something I really like from this film and the whole story.

Do you remember how Seabiscuit is motivated by competence?

My friend, today we are living in a time where competence is a bad looking concept.

Fine, if you need to kill someone to compete again him or her.

To compete is not a question of “who are you competing against?”

To compete is a question of “who are you competing with?”

Your competitors are giving you the gift of a measure.

And when you can measure you can say if you are improving or not, how are you doing and what you can do to continue improve.

A myth or a legend like Seabiscuit gives you a model.

You could prefer a nicer look to your model. That is fine. But remember and trust me, the beauty of the Soul is much more important than the external appearance

To your Grow and Win success

Monday, April 24, 2006

A story about persistency

Dear friend,

Someone asked me to tell you what experiences makes me tune in with some of your issues. Fine, I could be a little bit humble, but I like the face some people get when I show my curriculum. They ask me how is possible so much experience being so young. Hahahahaha!!!!!

Do you think 32 years old is being young?

Take in account I live in Spain. This is a wonderful country but we still have some issues to work with. Many people think you must be old to be wise, to be able to manage a company and things like that. May be that the reason I love American culture. Age is not the matter.

Anyway, the story I would like to share with you happened some years ago.

After finish my degree in Psychology I started to look for a job. To be honest I was selected to jobs I didn’t like and I couldn’t get the jobs I liked. I take the decision to leave Spain and go to Ireland to work as a laptop builder for an multinational IT company. The same moment I was signing my contract I received an offer to a scholarship in a human resources department in a very good company. I said no. Something inside told me I needed the experience of live abroad, learn English and be independent.

I spent almost two years living in Ireland. What a wonderful country!! What a wonderful experience!! I found friends, adventures and the woman I love it.

When I decided to go to Ireland as laptop builder to a multinational IT company they promised us some benefits. We were almost one hundred people from Spain to work over there. We were hired through a selection consultancy firm.

When we arrived we discover that the medical insurance promised wasn’t real. We were in a foreign country; most of us did not speak English proficiency. The company has just a human resources member who spoke Spanish and to be hones, he was not very interested on clarify this issue. We complain. Some people because of this and other issues decided to go back home.

I decided to follow fighting for our rights. The permanent worker of the company had the medical insurance and the company said we could not have it because we were not permanent. We had a 10 months contract.

I knew possibly was a misunderstanding between the company and the selection consultancy firm. But we received an offer with some benefits and our decision was in base to that benefits. It was an unfair situation to us.

I decided don’t give up. I choose it. When most of my colleges give up and try to forget about I take my time to know the company and the claiming chain. I develop a relationship with the human resources technician I had on assignment because of my work group. I improved my English skills, both talking and written skills. I met my boss and the boss of mu boss and the boss of the boss of my boss. I met the human resources manager. I use the internal rules to claim. I translate into English the advertisement, which was published in Spain to recruit us. It took me six months to be considered and recognized.

I was mainly alone in this battle. My co-workers though that it was a loss battle and didn’t worth it to fight. I just though was fair.

The company after six months recognized that it was an issue. They offer compensation to those who will finish the contract. This recognition was made in a meeting with company’s managers and al the Spanish workers. I did the mediation to explain the process and the company compensation.

Most of the people were surprised. They could not though compensation would be possible. Some congratulated me. Some looked at me like thinking what I was getting from that deal. I just got justice. It was enough.

I remember it as a good example of persistency. One person can make a difference.

You can make a different. Look around. You have the power. Identify where you could make a different and go for it.

You cannot decide how long you are going to life, but you can decide how you are going to live.


Hi my friend,

Welcome to my blog!!!

This is a wonderful place to know each other.

I will share with you some thoughts and I invite you to make your comments about them.

Sometimes I will share something someone sends me. This is our case today.

I would like to share with you the testimony of one of my loved partners. I prefer to call her partner than client because in my word I develop a relationship for lifetime.

That the way I work. You hire me and, of course you pay for your process, but once the process you keep working by yourself we still keep in touch. You will never be alone.

Ok. Stop make publicity of myself.

Let me tell you. I am a great fan of this woman. I use to become a great fan of the people I am witness of their transformation.

I translated from Spanish so I hope I keep all the soul in it.

“I’d like to tell you what I learned from you.

I have learned to listen to other and I’ve learned to listen to myself.

I’ve learned that it’s very important to do things with passion.

I‘ve learned that I must do what I believe I must do even if someone else think something difference. (That still is a challenge to me). I have to fight for the lifestyle I want to enjoy.

I must take action NOW to success. And I learned that if you ask to life for something, life would give you that.

I’ve learned what unconditional love is. (I feel loved by you without any exchange) That makes me able to love unconditionally and accept others in the way they are.

I love you optimism and your faith on people, you faith on me.”

With testimonies like this I could keep talking hours and hours. But to be honest I prefer to talk with you than talk alone.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Welcome to the Grown and Win blog.