The most important question
Since time ago I heard a story that makes me think a lot. I would like to share it with you.
A high european executive was on holidays with a beautiful black woman in the Caribe. They were meet just since a couple of weeks but they like each other and decided to spend more time together in such a paradise.
One night they were having a drink late in the evening. The sunset was marvellous.
She looked at his eyes and makes this question:
Who are you?
He was shocked for a moment. What a question after been together for a time!
- Well, I am John.
- No, that is your name. Who are you?
- I am a man.
- That is your gender. Who are you?
- I am English
- That is your nationality. Who are you?
- I am executive.
- That is your job. Who are you?
- I am a former elite sportsman.
- That is part of your past and achievements. Who are you?
He felt the questions falling deep into his soul. The knot was like clanking in an empty cave.
They keep quiet for a moment. He was deep inside.
Night continuous and the conversation liked to be one more. At night he tried to sleep. One question appeared beating his thoughts “who are you?”.
Nightmares and fever take him that night. Could be just causality but he developed a very strange illness. This illness keeps him on bed for several months.
She was besides him during that time. Reading for him. Taking care of him.
Something happens to him. I am not able to explain it fully but whatever was changing him forever. He left the king of live he was enjoying and nowdays is changing the way people look and practice leaderships around the world.
Some times a question can change your whole life.
Who are you?
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
Doing something mad
When was the last time you did something mad? Something that you liked and it looked impossible to achieve.
Maybe is time to try again.
Look inside. Get an insight.
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
Get beauty in your life
Mind is like the body; take care of how you feed it.
I have been watching Sara Baras on yesterday. I highly recommended her show.
It is amazing the beauty and enthusiasm created by all the Sara Baras’ company members.
I invite you to research about what are the key factors to create that beauty and energy on the scenario. Keep your eyes open.
Your mind is eating all what is happening around you. TV, radio, family, friends are its food. Taking of your body is not the same to eat fad that vegetables. It is the same with your mind. Take care of your mind diet. Avoid gratuitous violence and put more love and appreciation in you mind diet.
Be conscious about how you are feeding your mind.
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
PD; Pass this mail. Sent it to your friends.
Help us to get a better world.
Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it
We open today with a Confucius quote “Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.”.
Look around you and thanks everything you enjoy.
Happiness is not on desire; happiness is on wanting what you have.
Western psychology supports this. Myers and Diener (1995), after years of research on psychological happiness, concluded that “satisfaction is less a matter of getting what you want than wanting what you have", a statement in accordance with the Buddhist emphasis on the importance of contentment.*
Where are you focusing you happiness research?
Do you appreciate what you have?
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
PS; Pass this message.
Change your perspective.
Open your mind Visit us in
*Wallace & Shapiro.2006. Mental balance and well-being. American Psychologist
Pursuing your dream is like dating
Pursuing your dream is like dating, if you get everything on you’re your first date you loss your interest.
Make of your dreams difficult targets. Not so difficult like to throw in the towel, but difficult enough to keep your interest up.
Where are your dreams in this moment?
Are they accessible?
What can you do to make your dreams more attractive?
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
PS; If you are committed to get them I can help you to make your process simple, fun and efficient. Just mail me to fernando@growandwin.comInvite your friends to join us
What are you learning from today?
Sometimes you find a quote which makes you think. This is one of them.
"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him." Aldoux Huxley
You are having a lot of experiences every day. What are you doing with them?
What do you do to learn from your everyday experience?
How are you using those experiences to your own benefit?
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano