Google Video
Research skills are on demand. Google has change the way you look for information. Now, with Google Video, , you get audiovisual material at home in real time for free.
There is a lot of rubbish, but there is very good materials as well.
Take your time to check the tool. Choose a subject for investigation and stay with it. Do not let yourself to loss in the universe of possibilities.
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
The key to become a master
“The key to becoming a master is to take what is necessary from others, use it to identify your own natural talent and skill, and then create something equally effective, but it is hoped with a much greater simplicity and grace.” Joseph Mc Moneagle
Grow and WinFernando Manzano
Omega and Alpha
Stay with me for a moment. I’d share a deep thought with you.
For every Omega, or ending, there has to be an Alpha, a beginning.
Sometimes you would like to go directly to the end, to the perfect state. It can be very discouraging to look forward and to see the long process ahead to become a master in almost anything.
Dear friend, the process is the important thing. There is no static perfect state waiting for you. Thanks God.
From the beginning you have the chance to enjoy your goal. Learn, have fun and joy, the process is the important thing.
Do not wait to the end. You will achieve the end eventually, just to star at the beginning again.
Grow and WinFernando Manzano
Pluto is not a planet
Probably you grew up believing that Pluto was a planet. I did. But on yesterday the experts decided that Pluto does not fulfil the requirements to be considered a planet.
Most of our beliefs about what is o is not are human decisions.
365 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour are human decisions.
You believe you are on 2006, but that is only if you do not ask a Chinese or a Muslim.
By questioning your assumptions, your beliefs, you explore new territories. You uncertainty will increase and your security will reduce, but they are the same thing.
Certainty and uncertainty, both are necessaries.
Find your right balance.
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
A shortcut to design your future
As you already know I am always looking for ways to simplify process to achieve your goals. I slogan is “make life simple, fun & efficient”. In this purpose I invite you to know more about the work of Verne Wheelwright about Personal Futures. You can visit his website and get a comprehensive knowledge about how to use futuring methods on your personal benefit.
Futuring methodologies have been use by companies and administrations for ages. Wheelwright proposes an easy way to make the best use of this knowledge to personal level.
Get a look and decide by yourself if it is worth your time investment.
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
Do you know how do you think?
“If it is natural and necessary, as I shall indicate, for us to have visions of the future, we owe them to an exercise of imagination which is secret, but which we can and should seek out” Bertrand De Jouvenel in The Art of Conjecture, 1967
Your thinking process is a secret, but it is worthy to try to uncover it.
You, as a thinking machine, are influencing your thoughts. You have the capacity to think about yourself. This is unique.
Take the advantage of this process. By investing time on how about your own processing you increase your options of action. You increase you option for success.
I encourage you to discover how your processing is influencing your decisions and to take advantage of it.
Step one: Listen to yourself.
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
Time to move forward
There is a clear signal to go on and to move forward… will feel scared.
I know the feeling by myself and I heard the same description dozen of times.
A lump in your throat, sometimes in your stomach, a feeling of oppression likes something holding you back, and a shiver coming and leaving you.
Wonderful! You are ready. You got the fear. You got the signal to move forward. You are very close to your goals and it is time to reinforce your actions.
Believe me. Move forward, go on and get the reward to your efforts.
To your Grow and Win success
Fernando Manzano
No fear to be wrong
All your actions have consequences. You try to get success, but you don’t get it every time. Sometimes you fail….and that is wonderful. When you fail you are challenge to improve your performance to better. It is an opportunity to try something new, to rethink your mental frame.
Say YES to your fails. Learn from them and thanks them the opportunity to grow they are giving you.
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
Anybody can teach us
Great lessonjs are all around us. Anybody can teach us or; in others words, you can learn from anybody.For instead, to be a boxer is connsidered a no very intellectual job, but I will take some words from Muhamad Ali that I consider very valuables."Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee"His sentence summarices very well the cheng and chi concepts shared by Sun Tzu, or more recently by John Boyd, both great strategists. I would say the three were warriors.Look around, be aware. Great lessons could come from anywhere.Grow and WinFernando Manzano
Reinvent yourself
There is a feeling in the air. Where ever I go I find the same ideas.
Tom Peters…Re – invent your work.
Madonna…Re – invent yourself
Two very different personalities in different areas are campaigning for almost the same.
Open your eyes and be aware of what is taking place.
If you catch it, you will be one of the lucky guys.
I do not pretend to be mystic, but sometimes it is difficult to explain by words.
Does not matter because anyway you will need to go into the experience to fully know it.
I wish you all the best
Grow and Win
Fernando Manzano
PS; Talk with other interested in these subjects. Invite them to join us.