Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Do you recognize your own personal weaknesses?

Everybody have weaknesses. That is not what makes a difference. What will do a difference is what you do to about them, without always waiting to be told.

What can you do to overcome your personal weaknesses?

I love military examples because they are people training to confront the most extreme conditions. For instead, in the Royal Marines Training to do something about your personal weaknesses mean to develop “the ability to function under extreme pressure, the ability to endure, the stubborn determination to succeed in any way possible, but without falling apart if ever defeated…overall, the triumph of mind over body. And as Nigel Foster tells us, it also includes a marked degree of imagination and common sense.”(From The making of a Royal Marines Commando. Nigel Foster, 1998)

Take action about your personal weaknesses.

What are you doing to identify your personal weaknesses?

What can you do about them?

What could you do to improve yourself?

Grow and Win

Fernando Manzano

PS; Tired to do nothing about yourself. Are you a procrastination expert?
Mail me and we will take action to change this situation.



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